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Teeth Whitening – Saginaw, TX

Goodbye Yellow Discoloration, Hello White Teeth!

If you are a coffee enthusiast, acai bowl connoisseur, wine aficionado, or lover of other dark-colored foods and beverages, then you may be struggling with some stubborn stains on your teeth. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be a permanent concern. Thanks to GLO teeth whitening, you can say goodbye to yellow discoloration and hello to your white teeth again – without the unpleasant post-treatment sensitivity too! Keep reading to learn more, or get in touch with our team to schedule your initial consultation.

Man smiling with white, healthy teeth

Why Choose Saginaw Dental For Teeth Whitening?

How Does GLO Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening before and after

GLO teeth whitening is a dentist-created and approved cosmetic dentistry treatment designed to target everything from mild stains to pigmented discoloration. For more dramatic results, Dr. Renkuntla can administer an in-office treatment, which can lighten your smile up to eight shades in a single visit. If you would prefer to do so from the comfort of your own home, we can provide you with a take-home kit, which is far superior to any over-the-counter options you can find. Either way, the same sensitivity-free, vegan, safe whitening gel will be used to effectively deliver the smile you’ve always wanted.

What Are the Benefits of GLO Teeth Whitening?

Friends laughing together outside

Opting for GLO teeth whitening treatment comes with multiple benefits, including:

Who Is a Candidate for GLO Teeth Whitening?

Cosmetic dentist and patient smiling during dental appointment

If you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror or see your smile in a photo and notice your once white teeth are beginning to take on a yellow tinge, then you may be a candidate! During your initial consultation, Dr. Renkuntla will conduct a comprehensive dental exam and learn more about your smile goals to determine your candidacy. If gum disease, tooth decay, or another untreated dental concern is present, then he will work the appropriate care into your treatment plan. If your oral health is already in good shape, then he will schedule your teeth whitening appointment!

Does it sound like GLO teeth whitening is the smile-enhancing treatment you’ve been looking for? Then it’s time to get in touch with our team! We look forward to making your smile goals a reality!

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

a patient checking his smile after teeth whitening

Whether you decide to undergo in-office or at-home teeth whitening treatment, you can be sure to appreciate incredible and dazzling results for your smile. Still, you don’t want to go into the procedure without first knowing how much you’ll be expected to pay. The last thing we want is for you to be surprised when it comes time to pay the bill. Here are several things you’ll want to consider regarding the cost of teeth whitening at Saginaw Dental.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Teeth Whitening

a patient smiling while waiting in the dental exam chair

While professional teeth whitening is often a set price, several factors can influence how many times you’ll need treatment to brighten your smile the way you want. Some of the common things that can affect the cost include:

  • The type of stain: Extrinsic stains are typically much more straightforward to lift compared to intrinsic ones, which are within the inner layers of the tooth.
  • The severity of discoloration: The more discolored your smile is, the higher the chance of needing repeat whitening treatments to effectively brighten your teeth.
  • Additional services: Any other oral health issues you might be experiencing, such as gum disease or tooth decay, that will need to be addressed beforehand can end up raising the overall cost of your treatment.

Types of Teeth Whitening: What Do They Cost?

a patient undergoing professional teeth whitening treatment

There are a variety of teeth whitening methods you can choose from that have a range of prices and effectiveness. In general, here’s what you can expect from each option:

  • In-office teeth whitening: Most of these procedures can go for $300 to $800 depending on your situation, or even $1,000 in certain cases.
  • At-home teeth whitening: These professional teeth whitening kits can often cost a few hundred dollars.
  • Over-the-counter teeth whitening trays: You can find these products at your local supermarket or drug store, and they’re typically valued at less than $100.
  • Over-the-counter whitening gels/strips: As the most affordable option, you can get boxes that cost between $20 and $40 with enough product to last around a couple of weeks.

Inexpensive vs. Professional Teeth Whitening

a woman pointing at her bright smile

Looking at the cost alone might cause you to consider simply going for lower-valued teeth whitening treatments. Unfortunately, this can end up leading to issues like lackluster results, as store-bought products often use diluted solutions that won’t offer the same level of whitening as professional treatment. Furthermore, they won’t be as safe for your smile as the materials used by your dentist, and you can end up paying more for multiple treatments that won’t last as long. Make sure to consider the quality of teeth whitening that you’re looking for as well as the timeframe that you’re working with. In both cases, your dentist is the safest and most effective choice for improving your pearly whites.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening Affordable

a dentist explaining the cost of teeth whitening

Teeth whitening isn’t often covered by dental insurance, so you’ll likely need to explore alternative ways to make the treatment more affordable for you. Fortunately, our team is proud to work with third-party financier, CareCredit, which offers low-to-no-interest plans so that you can pay for dental services in monthly installments. This means you’ll be able to focus less on spending and more on achieving the dream smile you deserve!

Teeth Whitening FAQs

If you have any questions concerning teeth whitening in Saginaw, feel free to contact our team and schedule a consultation.

Are DIY Whitening Solutions Safe?

You may have heard or seen people use certain ingredients or materials to whiten their teeth like activated charcoal and more. There are also whitening treatments you can buy at the store, but what influencer videos don’t show you is that these solutions often come with risks. For instance, store-bought whitening toothpastes and activated charcoal are extremely abrasive and wear away enamel, meaning that you may get temporarily whiter teeth, but you increase the risk of long-term tooth sensitivity and damage to your smile. It’s smarter and safer to get this problem treated by a licensed professional.

How Long Does Whitening Take?

In-office whitening usually requires one one-hour appointment to complete. Slightly less powerful, take-home whitening must be done over multiple days. In fact, to reach full results, you’ll need to repeat treatment at home for about two weeks. Before we send you home with the kit, we’ll give you clear instructions, so you end up with a smile you’ll love.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Unfortunately, over time your teeth will be exposed to staining foods and drinks again, which means discoloration will eventually set in again. Usually, another whitening treatment is necessary about every two or three years to maintain brilliant results. When you have your dental checkup and cleaning appointment, we’ll make sure your teeth remain radiant and recommend retreatment when your teeth could use a touchup.

How Can I Make My Whitened Teeth Stay White?

On average, teeth start to noticeably dull two or three years after whitening treatment. However, the lifespan of your whitening may vary, in part, depending on how well you take care of your smile. If you continue to brush and floss daily and come to our office regularly for checkups and professional cleanings, you can prolong the whiteness of your teeth. Being careful about your diet can also help. For instance, you could drink your coffee or soda through a straw to prevent contact with your teeth.