Losing a few teeth or even one tooth is bad enough, but if an entire arch is gone, you’ll need to find a functional, stable replacement as soon as possible in order to eat, speak and smile with confidence again. At Saginaw Dental, we offer both full dentures and partial dentures depending on the extent of tooth loss. If you’re looking at a toothless future, contact us today!
Whether you are missing several teeth or all of your teeth, almost anyone can get dentures. To find out if dentures are right for you, schedule a consultation with us. If you don’t immediately make a good candidate, this doesn’t mean you should rule them out going forward. By restoring the health of your gum tissue and bone structure, dentures could be in your future!
According to the American College of Prosthodontists, the most common causes of missing teeth are tooth decay, gum disease, and injuries/accidents! When you are missing teeth, you can experience a variety of negative side effects that will affect you daily. They include facial sagging, difficulty speaking, trouble eating, and lower self-esteem.
If you have experienced significant tooth loss or have extensive decay, dentures may be a great option for you. As long as you have healthy gum tissue and a significant amount of jawbone, you are likely to make a good candidate. If you opt for dentures, it is crucial that you are committed to your dental hygiene routine and able to properly care for your prosthesis.
The type of denture you get will depend on the number of teeth you are missing. One of the great things about dentures is the fact that they are more affordable than other tooth replacement options, making them ideal for patients who are unable to invest a lot of money into their smile at this time.
Patients who don’t make a good candidate for dentures or are interested in other options may want to consider the following alternatives:
Dentures are prosthetic teeth usually made of acrylic resin or sturdy plastics. They’re attached to a base that’s designed to blend in with the gums. The kind of dentures you get depends on the level of tooth loss:
Have you ever wondered what kind of technologies and skills go into the fabrication of dentures? Unfortunately, there’s no “denture store” where Dr. Renkuntla can simply pick one out and give it to you! Every prosthetic must be custom-made for a patient with exact specifications to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. If you’re curious about the process we use here at Saginaw Dental to deliver a quality denture every time, you can continue reading below!
Depending on the type of denture you receive, it can be made of slightly different materials. All the artificial teeth in a denture are made of highly durable porcelain because of its slight translucence that gives the appearance of natural teeth. The base these prosthetic crowns are attached to is typically made from acrylic that has been colorized to match your existing gum tissue. If you have a partial denture, it will be fitted with metal clasps that hold it in place around your remaining teeth. These elements create a lightweight yet sturdy prosthetic that will last for many years with proper care.
Every denture is custom-made, so there is a multi-step process that typically takes a few weeks to go from start to finish:
Once you have your denture, it’s normal to undergo a small adjustment period. There may be some slight discomfort, difficulty eating, or gently altered speech. However, all these inconveniences are temporary, and you should see them fade after a month or so. Handling dentures is a skill, so you may need to practice by speaking often or reading books aloud. In addition, focusing on soft foods to begin with will help you develop the muscle control you need to be successful.
Dealing with tooth loss is a rather harsh challenge. Often, it makes everyday tasks – especially eating, speaking, and even smiling – harder. That said, the dentures at Saginaw Dental can help you overcome this problem. These prosthetics will restore your full grin and improve your quality of life. If that sounds good to you, we’ll gladly tell you more about the benefits of dentures. Simply keep reading or call our office for the relevant details.
Going without teeth can wear down your mental health. That’s only natural – anyone would be upset to lose their full and gorgeous grin. Still, feeling self-conscious about your smile gaps can go too far. If you aren’t careful, you could easily slip into severe sadness or depression.
Luckily, dentures would protect you from these feelings. They’d quickly “fill” your smile gaps and boost your confidence. In other words, they’d leave you feeling calm and self-assured. You wouldn’t feel anxious about your looks, eating ability, speech, etc.
It’s impossible to speak well without teeth. Your tongue needs each tooth in your mouth to enunciate words. So, even missing a few can lead to speech impediments. The most common are lisps, slurred words, and similar mispronunciations.
Of course, dentures also solve this issue. Their artificial teeth will support your tongue in forming words. Just note that you’ll still need to endure an adjustment period. After all, it takes time and practice to speak well with dentures.
Tooth loss usually leads to a poor diet. Without all your teeth, you’re less able to chew your meals. People in this scenario often forego healthy but tough foods as a result. When that happens, you’re at a much higher risk of malnutrition and indigestion.
Still, dentures can fix the nutrition problem. They use artificial teeth that can chew a wide range of foods. For that reason, they’ll expand your dietary choices and improve your nutritional health.
Aside from harming your mouth’s looks, tooth loss also harms its health. The “smile gaps” left by missing teeth ensure harmful microbes can breed. From there, you’re much more likely to suffer from tooth decay and gum disease. Worse, those same gaps can tilt your remaining teeth until they fall out.
Dentures would help you avoid such outcomes. By using them, you’d fill your smile gaps and reduce the spread of bad bacteria. Your mouth would then have fewer infections. At the same time, eliminating the spaces would keep your other teeth from tilting.
As you likely know, a pretty smile is vital to a good first impression. Sporting white and shiny teeth will prompt others to think well of you. Over time, these people could then present you with life-changing opportunities. Your beautiful grin could indirectly lead to new friends, grand romances, career boosts, and more.
It just so happens that dentures beautify your smile. By wearing them, your grin will look pleasing to all your peers. You’ll then see an uptick in positive developments with friends, family, and coworkers.
If your mouth and jawbone are healthy enough, you can get dentures that are supported by dental implants. Implants offer extra stability for your false teeth so that you’ll never have to worry about them slipping while you’re talking or laughing. They’re also the only kind of restoration that can replace the roots of your teeth and prevent jawbone deterioration. As for eating, the additional chewing strength of dental implants means that there are even fewer diet restrictions than with regular dentures.
By far, one of the biggest advantages for dental implants is their longevity. They can last for decades – or the rest of your life – with the proper maintenance, which is as simple as maintaining excellent oral hygiene.
The cost of your dentures will vary based on numerous factors. No two smiles are the same, which is why the best way to receive a precise estimate is to visit our office for a consultation. During this appointment, Dr. Renkuntla will discuss your goals, examine your mouth, and review your medical history before developing a personalized plan. Keep reading to learn more about what impacts the cost of dentures in Saginaw.
There are three main factors that influence the cost of your dentures:
Remember that cheaper does not necessarily mean better. Investing in the health of your smile means choosing a quality denture. Don’t settle for subpar acrylic materials just because you like the price!
Yes, implant dentures are usually more expensive, but this is for good reason. By combining dentures with implants, you’ll gain access to a number of unique benefits you wouldn’t be able to enjoy with other options. This includes improved confidence, a better eating experience, and easier speaking. Additionally, dental implants stimulate the jawbone to prevent it from deteriorating, which helps you maintain a fuller, more youthful facial appearance. Plus, dental implants last for decades, which can actually save you money in the long run from avoiding replacements. Traditional dentures require a replacement every 5 to 7 years.
Dentures in Saginaw are considered a major procedure, which is why most insurance providers will cover about 50% of your treatment. However, this will vary from plan to plan. We advise checking with your insurance before making any final decisions. Our friendly and experienced front desk team is always happy to communicate with your provider directly to maximize your benefits while minimizing your out-of-pocket costs.
If you don’t have insurance coverage, no need to worry! At Saginaw Dental, we are committed to providing amazing and affordable dental care to accommodate all budgets. That’s why we have special offers like free second opinions, which could be your initial denture consultation. Additionally, we accept alternative financing through CareCredit. With this budget-friendly solution, you’ll choose the monthly payment option that works best for you. As an added bonus, this payment plan comes with low-to-no interest, making it a popular choice for those who want dentures but don’t have insurance. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule an appointment with our denture dentist in Saginaw.
Dentures are a fantastic way to restore your smile’s appearance and functionality after suffering from tooth loss. However, you must continue to take care of your mouth whether or not you have any natural teeth remaining. Having a routine checkup every 6 months allows them to monitor your oral health and spot any areas of concern, like gum disease or oral cancer, and treat them before they progress.
You’ll also have to maintain your artificial teeth to continue to make the most of them. Continue reading below to learn more about what’s involved in keeping your dentures in good condition. If you would like more information, you’re welcome to contact us and we’d be happy to assist you.
Harmful bacteria are attracted to the foods you eat and can create plaque buildup on your prosthetics. To prevent this, remove them after every meal and rinse them under room-temperature water. This will keep them clear of any unwanted leftovers or particles that contribute to gum disease. Remember to avoid using overly hot water that can warp the acrylic material. Also, take a moment to cleanse your mouth and gums so that you put them back into a clean space.
It’s important to take your dentures out at least twice daily for a thorough scrub. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of unscented dish soap or a special cleanser to gently scrub every surface. Take care to reach into all the crevices and be sure to remove any leftover adhesive if you use it. Don’t use regular toothpaste because it contains ingredients that can be abrasive.
Your artificial teeth can become slippery when you’re handling them with soap and water, and if they fall from too great a height they can crack, chip, or break. To keep them safe and sound, place a soft towel on the surface where you’re cleaning them so that if they tumble, they’re less likely to be harmed.
Also, ensure that they’re kept out of reach of small children and pets who might not handle them so gently.
Although it may be tempting, you shouldn’t sleep with your dentures in your mouth for a few reasons. Not only do your gums deserve a break, but your mouth tends to dry out at night which allows germs to flourish. This has been associated with an increased risk of conditions like pneumonia, gum disease, and other issues.
Instead, place them in a glass of water or denture solution overnight. This kills up to 99% of toxic microbes and helps your prosthetics retain their shape.
It’s important to pay attention to your oral well-being so that you notice if anything changes for the worse. Keep an eye out for signs of gum irritation, infection, or mouth sores and call us right away if you notice an issue.
If something happens to your dentures and they no longer fit or are damaged, then you shouldn’t try to fix them at home. Many patients have attempted to make repairs at home just to end up needing emergency dental care. For example, it’s natural to want to superglue your restoration if it’s broken but this can be toxic to your health and could even end up sticking your teeth together. Let us know if your dentures are loose, clicking, or harmed.
Dentures in Saginaw are a tried-and-proven solution to treat significant tooth loss; however, it’s normal to have a few concerns before you’re ready to commit to them. Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything during your consultation. While you wait, here are the answers to a few of the most common questions we are asked by our patients.
It can be pretty embarrassing getting caught without your teeth, but you don’t want to sleep with your dentures in your mouth. However, your denture dentist in Saginaw will recommend wearing them for a full 24 hours after getting them, even while you’re sleeping. After that, it’s best to remove them nightly to give your gums time to rest. The circulation in your gums is decreased while they are in your mouth. Without a break to recover, gum irritation can quickly occur. Not to mention, it may even speed up resorption. By removing your dentures before heading to bed, your soft tissues can get the nutrients they need. You’ll also decrease your risk of odors, pneumonia, and plaque. The overnight break is a great opportunity to clean your mouth and dentures to reduce harmful bacteria that can accumulate throughout the day. Remember to keep your dentures in a soaking solution whenever you aren’t wearing them to prevent them from drying out.
Tooth loss doesn’t discriminate based on age. As a result, you’re never too old or young for dentures. Research shows at least 66% of adults between the ages of 40 – 64 have lost at least one tooth, whereas only 33% of adults between 20 to 29 years of age have one or more missing teeth. Typically, full or partial dentures are most often needed after the age of 60. According to the American Dental Association, 57% of people over the age of 65 wear some type of denture. Although there isn’t a specific age for them, the need generally increases with age.
Dentures come in many forms, including those that don’t cover the soft palate on the roof of your mouth. Covering the palate can cause your ability to taste food to decrease, but a horseshoe-shaped option resolves the problem. It looks similar to a denture used on the lower arch for optimal comfort and satisfaction. You can expect implant dentures to have the same shape. Your dentist will learn more about your preferences and discuss all your options to choose a denture you’ll be satisfied with.
Although your dentures aren’t subject to tooth decay, they need to be cleaned daily but don’t use regular toothpaste because it is abrasive. It can leave small scratches on your denture that can damage it over time. Instead, it’s better to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild dishwashing liquid or hand soap. It’s best to clean your dentures after every meal to prolong their lifespan.