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Saginaw Dental Blog

What to Do with a Lost a Dental Crown

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 12:07 pm
Woman in a white turtleneck thinking

Though it’s not always qualified as a dental emergency, a lost dental crown is definitely not a pleasant experience. They typically last about 10 to 15 years, but accidents can happen. Dental crowns can crack, chip or even come loose. If you lose a crown, you should immediately contact your dentist. But until you can get into the dental chair, here are 3 steps you should take.


How to Know It’s Time to Replace Your Crown

December 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 4:06 pm
clock and tooth

Over the last six months, you haven’t had any complaints about your teeth. No pain, no sensitivity—nothing. Yet, during your dental appointment, your dentist says it’s time to replace one of your dental crowns. Can it really be time for dental crown replacement? How can you know that the time is right for a new restoration? In this post, you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of a dental crown needing to be replaced and how to make your crowns last as long as possible.


Which Holiday Foods Should Be Avoid with Your Dental Restorations?

November 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 1:49 am
Woman with dentures at Thanksgiving dinner

With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, you are probably looking at quite a few delicious meals to catch up with your friends and family over. However, as scrumptious as some of these dishes are, you certainly don’t want to be worried about damaging your dentures. The good news is that your dentist is here to help. Continue reading to learn which dishes to avoid and what you can splurge on throughout the holiday season when you have dental restorations.


Do You Know What Your Dental Insurance Covers?

November 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 10:00 pm
dental insurance on clipboard outlining coverage

You pay for it every month and you know it’s important, but do you understand how your dental insurance works? Your benefits can save you a lot of money when caring for your smile, but only if you use them correctly! Knowing what your insurance plan covers is essential if you want to make the most of your dental benefits. To help you get started, read to learn more about what you can typically expect when it comes to dental insurance coverage.


Why You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Visit the Dentist

October 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 2:04 am
Embarrassed woman

There are many different reasons that people refrain from getting the essential dental care they desperately need. For some, it is a busy schedule, and for others, it is a fear of the cost of treatment. Another common reason is because some people get embarrassed at the dentist due to the state of their smile. Continue reading to learn some reasons why you shouldn’t feel embarrassed to go to the dentist, even if your smile isn’t in the best shape.


Why You Should Get a Dental Crown Before the End of the Year

October 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 1:32 am
Dental crown

Has your dentist told you that you need a dental crown? If you’re putting it off because of fear of cost or just wanting to wait till the holiday season comes to an end, this isn’t the best idea. The truth is that getting it done now could save you money due to dental insurance reasons, and you could be avoiding both invasive and costly procedures in the future. Continue reading to learn about why your dentist is recommending that you get it now and how you could save money in the process.


3 Reasons to Take Care of Your Gums

September 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 4:23 pm

Dentist highlighting the importance of gum health.You rely on your teeth throughout the day to chew nutritious foods and smile confidently. Did you know there’s more to a healthy smile than just your teeth? Your gum health is equally important. Unfortunately, at least 50% of adults have gum disease. Although it’s preventable, it’s the leading cause of tooth loss. Your smile doesn’t have to be another casualty to the infection. Here are 3 reasons you need to take care of your gums.


Who is a Candidate for Fluoride?

August 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — mysaginaw @ 4:51 pm

Dentist in Saginaw holding a fluoride card.Your teeth are designed to last for a lifetime. Unfortunately, the biggest threat to their longevity is tooth decay. Although cavities are preventable, at least 92% of adults have had at least one in a permanent tooth. You’re proactive about your oral hygiene at home and routine appointments with your dentist in Saginaw to prevent tooth decay, but could you be doing more? You might be a candidate for fluoride. Here’s how “Nature’s Cavity Fighter” can help keep your teeth strong and healthy.


5 Ways to Strengthen Your Teeth

July 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 4:22 pm
Toothbrush and floss

If you don’t care for your teeth properly, it’s more likely that you will experience enamel erosion, or the weakening of the outer tooth surface caused by acids in the mouth. This means more sensitivity and discomfort, as well as additional time in the dental chair. Fortunately, there are ways you can prevent this from happening. Continue reading to learn some tips about how to strengthen your teeth from your family dentist.


How a Clean Mouth Can Help Keep You Healthy in COVID-19

June 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysaginaw @ 1:06 am
Woman in quarantine after getting dental cleaning in Saginaw

Although the country is slowly reopening, it’s important to remember that the threat of COVID-19 isn’t gone. Alongside practicing social distancing and washing your hands regularly, keeping your mouth clean is a simple yet effective way to protect yourself from germs. Excellent oral health plays a key role in your overall wellbeing and the strength of your immune system. Find out how taking care of your smile with a dental cleaning in Saginaw and excellent at-home oral hygiene can help keep you healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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